Saturday, December 22, 2012


Has been gone through many articles in this blog, which start published since the years 2010, found out that, none of the article in this blog are written in english, there are all in chinese.
Today I’ve decided to write an Eng article ,my first eng articles. Please forgive my poor grammar.

So, 22.12.2012… I thought that 21st of Dec 2012 would be the end of the world?  HAHAHA what a silly joke, I’ve never ever believe this rumor even from the beginning. First ,it is not yet proven by scientist. Second, lots of end of world rumor has been come out before this (years of 2000 and 2005) , but none of them are true. Third, NASA has already proven that there is nothing else about end of the world, even thousand years later. But one thing that I believe is, if we are still doing such activities that damaging the earth , end of the world is actually just near the corner. COMING SOON and stay tuned  XD
Yup, don’t bother about the end of the world anymore, let’s relax and enjoy our christmas holiday !

Whenever i think of christmas, I will think of something that relates to…JAZZ music?something jazzy classical blah blah blah==  Haha… anyway, I like jazz the most, did you hear that? It is WHITE CHRISTMAS , in Jazz piano version ! I really enjoy listening to all these christmas music … soft, relax and comfort. I have a question, why does the time seem to pass so fast? few days later, have to say good bye to 2012, lots of fun memories in 2012,it also carries tons of experiences for me too .

What am I planning to do in 2013?

Maybe I shall stop all part-time jobs, and concentrate on my studies, as my CGPA for my past semester is going down hill, the worst CGPA i got is 2.8 / 4.0 . 2 more semester to complete my Diploma, I have to pay more attention and concern . I believe I can chase back my marks, at least must get 3 point something before graduate .

Before finished my diploma, lots of question comes up in my mind,as I would like to pursue my studies after that. Likes…
“Where to further my studies? which subject should I take?software engineering? mobile computing? networking? computer security? or multimedia technology? ” 

aaahh, not going to bother about it currently, let’s enjoy my semester break ! after this will think about it seriously. Oh fuck, my semester just left 2 more weeks....
Next semester will be a tough semester for me, 5 subjects including system methodologies … visual programming…etc…etc… ENOUGH ! it really pissed me off…left 2 more weeks, so let’s enjoy == !

Wishing all Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year !
# Hopefully, no more alone for this coming christmas …

Shari low - christmas

Monday, December 10, 2012






学期末考,读得你死我活也不是第一次了,这一次读得比之前更加用心,因为cgpa真的不能在跌,从起初3.3慢慢跌到3.1 然后在跌到3.0上个学期还一下大跌2.8,恐怖过金融风暴

我也开始担心我的学业,也决定明年新学期不会在半工读,做兼职一个月也才不那500, 600块,为了兼职而搞到学业退步真的很不值得。学期假期才找工做

这一两个月,其实也没过得很精彩,一个人,做什么事都一个人也已经习已为惯,常常一个人午餐,一个人读书,甚至自己一个人自己讲话(没那么恐怖,只不过偶尔会自己跟自己的OS讲话)常常对自己说 John啊John 不要气馁,没有朋友,没有另一半,其实自己一个人也可以过得很精彩!    

其实并不是没有朋友,只不过每个朋友都有自己的事做,上学的上学,做工的做工,拍拖的拍拖。 而我呢,一无所有...其实也没那么夸,我起码有自己的家人。

说快不快,三天的电脑展就这样结束了,其实也带着平常心去做,也有预感会达不到业绩人工大打折扣,因为Asus这个牌子并不是说不好,只不过价钱方面没Acer来的那么大众化,懂电脑的人多数会选Asus, 普通用户通常都会去选Acer或其他品牌,因为价钱对于他们来说排在第一位。第一天卖出一架,第二天卖出4架,第三天最后一天5架,加起来也不过是10架,要卖出15架才达到个人业绩目标,人工才会高,不然就会打折扣。

我可以说这次的电脑展,遇到的所有同事都非常的好,虽然说under不同的人不同的group,可是他们都不会计较帮忙别的group的同事,相比上一次的电脑展,那时候别group的同事都只会顾及自己的业绩,有时候有些还会过来抢我们group的sales, 而这次不管是别的group还是我们自己group的同事,大家都互相帮忙大家。

昨晚8点多接近关门的时候,我还欠5架,别一个group的同事还有自己同group的同事都问 ”John 你还欠几架??“  当他们说 “我来帮你!!”的时候,心里真的很感激,然后看到他们很卖力的招客人,真的心里很感激也很感动,因为他们真的没有那个必要要帮我,他们大可以自己招客人,自己写单,commission更高,可是他们却帮我,心里真的万分的感激,Salute !  


那时候做错东西,cashier的人和manager都在那边讲多多,那个客人看到也听到,他们是一户马来同胞家庭,他们说了一句,让我当场觉得温暖很多”怎么他们都那么没人情味,那么没情讲,没关系,别担心我们还会帮你买的,别气馁,别不开心,你是part time而已对吧? 忍他们多一天过后就没事了!  他们刁难你你就忍一忍吧,没必要跟钱作对,你要加油啊! 我有亲戚朋友要买电脑的,我会叫他们找你买的,祝你生意兴隆,他们在刁难你,跟我说,我帮你投诉总公司写衰他们,反正我也看不顺眼他们,哈哈“ 。



